Comparative Visualization

Yes - Drama

Album Information

Catalog #: 82685-2
Barcode: 075678268526 (Gastwirt remaster)
Matrix: 3 82685-2 SRC**01 M2S2

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Catalog #: R9 73795
Barcode: 081227379520 (Rhino Expanded & Remastered)
Matrix: 3 R2 73795-2 01 M1S3

Download waveform (requires 7Zip to decompress)


Here’s a comparison of two remasters, one even I can tell the difference between.  The Gastwirt remaster is hotter than the Rhino remaster and certain points contain distortion noticeable to even my pedestrian ears.

I would like to obtain an unremastered version to see how that compares, but for now, the Rhino version seems to be the least eardrum blasting.